How to increase potency and restore sexual health - this question is asked by many men, whose return exceeds 35 years.
At the same time, statistics from recent years show that young men also suffer from partial erectile dysfunction.
Given the large number of factors that can lead to a violation of potency, this problem can be considered complex, requiring an examination of the whole organism.
Complex treatment to increase potency in men.
With a partial or complete decrease in potency, a man should seek the help of a urologist or sexologist, who can not only identify the cause of violations, but can also carry out high-quality complex treatment, give useful recommendations , which may consist of the following points:
- correct lifestyle;
- have sex regularly - helps increase testosterone production;
- playing sports - improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, improves body tone;
- control weight - being overweight often leads to potency;
- prevention of chronic diseases;
- prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
- Phytotherapy;
- diet, proper nutrition with the use of food containing essential minerals, vitamins, nutrients;
- full sleep.
Drug treatment is aimed at increasing blood circulation in the pelvic organs, as well as increasing sexual activity and arousal. However, all drugs should be taken after consulting a doctor, who will prescribe the dosage and course of treatment.
Most men do not dare to go to the doctor with their problem. For those men, Internet medical forums may be an ideal solution, providing their users with advice from their male health specialists.
Existing drugs
Drug therapy to increase potency is divided into two types:
- natural or natural: they contain substances of plant or animal origin. Such drugs do not belong to drugs, they can be used as supportive therapy or in combination with other drugs.
- Synthetic drugs: increase in potency 30 minutes after administration. At the same time, side effects have contraindications.
Natural remedies for potency
Potency can be increased with natural remedies that are completely safe for a man's health, they do not have a negative effect on a man's body. These funds include food or various beverages, which can often be found under the name of aphrodisiacs. The following products are considered the most effective: nuts, chicken eggs, parsley, ginger, shellfish, beef and others, which contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and other useful substances.
You can also improve men's health with other food products that are not only useful, but also very tasty. It is not unimportant to monitor your health, play sports, and at the first erectile dysfunction not to self-medicate, which may not only not bring the desired result, but also harm the health of a man. If the potency manifests itself against the background of psychological disorders, you need to understand yourself, eliminate stress, depression and strive for positive emotions.