Potency in 50-year-old men depends on many factors. Not only age leaves its mark on health. Sexual function is affected by heredity, lifestyle, chronic diseases, as well as a natural decrease in hormone production. Alcohol abuse, smoking, poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle often lead to premature aging and impaired reproductive function. Therefore, at 50 years old, some men have no problems with this, while others are horrified to discover signs of impotence.

What power is normal at 50 years old?
The term "power" is of Latin origin. It is derived from the word "potentia", which translates as "strength". Potency determines a man's ability to perform sexual relations. It is characterized by the speed of the erection, its duration, the degree of penile tension and ejaculation (release of seminal fluid). The male body is capable of maintaining the ability to have full sexual relations throughout his life.
Normal potency causes a powerful sexual desire. Sexual desire is accompanied by the appearance of an erection, which allows orgasm and ejaculation to be achieved. Healthy men between 50 and 60 years old can have up to 8 sexual relations a month. However, not only the age factor affects the quantitative indicator. It depends on the relationship with a woman, a sexual partner. The number of sexual acts in a family in which harmony reigns is greater than between couples with tense relationships.
The average duration of sexual relations is 2. 5 minutes, during which time a man performs between 50 and 60 frictions. However, for some, intercourse can last 30 to 40 minutes.
It is necessary to increase potency if a man is not satisfied after full sexual intercourse. Unfavorable signs are:
- Decreased sexual desire.
- A weakening of potency is evidenced by the absence of an erection in the morning and during sexual caresses.
- The concern should be a decrease in penile tension during sexual intercourse.
- An alarming symptom is both premature ejaculation and its delay or complete absence.
Rejection of bad habits.
To improve potency after 50 years, you need to change your lifestyle. Daily consumption of 1 glass of vodka or 4 liters of dark beer can cause a complete loss of sexual function after 5 to 8 years. Ethyl alcohol has a negative effect on the male gonads and causes their atrophy. When they lose their functions, the level of the male hormone testosterone in the body, on which potency depends, decreases sharply.
The hormonal balance is also disturbed due to the destructive effects of ethyl alcohol on the liver and brain of a man. The gradual loss of sensitivity of tactile receptors leads to immunity to impulses that cause sexual arousal. After completely abstaining from alcoholic beverages, the potency will begin to gradually increase.

Smoking has a negative effect on men's health. Smoking 2 cigarettes before sexual intercourse can inhibit sexual arousal and weaken erections. In heavy smokers, the pressure in the vessels of the genital organ constantly decreases and their blood supply deteriorates. If there are atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, they can become blocked. The penis contains many small capillaries, so pathological changes appear earlier than in other organs.
About 95% of people between 50 and 70 years old have atherosclerotic deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, impotence is 2 times more common among men of this age category than among their non-smoking peers. The degree of blood pressure reduction is directly proportional to the smoking experience. Quitting smoking has a beneficial effect on potency. Even long-term smokers notice a dramatic improvement in sexual function.
To restore men's health, it is necessary to get enough sleep, more rest and avoid stressful situations.
Physical activity

A sedentary lifestyle has a negative impact on sexual function. Computer addiction, sedentary work and driving cars cause stagnation to appear. Low physical activity causes a slowdown in blood flow in the pelvic organs. Without lifestyle changes, it may be impossible to restore potency in men.
The main function of blood circulation is the supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissue cells. Poor blood supply causes:
- slower functioning of the testicles;
- decreased intensity of spermatogenesis;
- Decrease in the amount of hormones produced.
In a sitting position, the body weight puts pressure on the pelvic vessels, which further reduces blood circulation in the organs. Sitting for a long time causes an increase in temperature in the testicles and causes a decrease in potency after the age of 50.
Men with sedentary jobs should do regular morning exercises and take long walks.
A set of exercises to maintain power.
To improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, it is necessary to perform a series of exercises every day to increase power.
Squats will help strengthen the muscles that affect power in men. It is necessary to spread your feet shoulder-width apart and spread your toes slightly to the sides. You need to squeeze your glutes and then start doing squats.
You should crouch as low as possible and stay in the lowest position for 5 to 8 seconds. During the exercise, your hands should be in front of your chest. In the first 2 weeks, 4 squats a day are enough. Then their number is gradually increased up to 15. It is also advisable to increase the time spent in the lower position up to 15 seconds.

During the second exercise, it is necessary to perform rotation movements of the pelvis in both directions. You should start with small amplitudes. Then they are gradually increased. During the movements you need to tighten your abdominal and thigh muscles. Not only will they increase blood circulation, but they will also strengthen the back muscles involved in sexual intercourse.
From a standing position, lean to the right and left, trying to reach the floor with your arm straight. Exercise improves the conductivity of the nerve fibers that regulate erection.
From a standing position, you should perform alternating lunges with your legs. The foot is placed as far forward as possible. The body must maintain a strictly vertical position while moving. The hands remain on the belt.
Holding the back of the chair, perform alternating leg movements. The straight limb is thrown forward and raised to its maximum height. The toe of the foot should point upward.
Lying on your back, perform movements that imitate riding a bicycle. Then the legs are bent at the knees, the feet are placed on the floor and the pelvis is raised. Just make a few movements. Gymnastics should not cause extreme fatigue.
It is advisable to perform exercises with the windows open. In summer, it is better to do gymnastics outdoors.
Balance diet
To have good potency at age 50, a man's diet should regularly include foods rich in phosphorus. The trace element participates in the synthesis of male hormones.
Phosphorus is found in large quantities in dried porcini, pumpkin seeds, wheat bran, poppy seeds and wheat germ. It is present in cocoa powder, sesame seeds, cashews, pine nuts and walnuts, hard cheeses, oats, beans, egg yolks, buckwheat, beef and pork liver, mackerel and tuna.
Vitamins A (liver, carrots, pumpkin, spinach) and D (fatty fish), iron (beef, eggs), manganese (nuts, tea), potassium (bananas, citrus), calcium (dairy, vegetables) and protein. Excessive sugar consumption reduces phosphorus absorption.
Weak potency may be due to chronic zinc deficiency. Oysters, yeast, sesame seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, chicken hearts, peanuts and cocoa powder contain large amounts of microelements. Sources of zinc are hard cheeses, pine and walnuts, egg yolks, beef, turkey and lamb. Excessive consumption of foods containing copper (cereals, whole grains) can lead to zinc deficiency.
To achieve greater potency in men after 50 years, the daily menu should include products containing "sex vitamin" E. It affects the pituitary gland, which regulates the functioning of the reproductive system. The record holder for vitamin E content is wheat germ oil.
The "sex vitamin" is present in sunflower, corn and linseed oil, as well as almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts, buckwheat, dried apricots and rose hips. Its source is soy, but you should not get carried away with these products. They contain plant hormones that act similarly to the female hormones estrogen.
Men in their 50s need to regularly consume the proteins found in red meat. They improve metabolism, increase libido and tone. To enhance sexual activity, it is recommended to periodically consume seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid) and fish. The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in the latter prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
Potency problems at age 50 may be due to obesity. Adipose tissue synthesizes female sex hormones: estrogens. The more extra kilos a man has, the more estrogen he produces. The predominance of female sex hormones causes a decrease in sexual function.
To lose weight and increase potency, overweight men need to maintain a negative energy balance. The amount of calories consumed from food should be less than those expended by the body.
To maintain a negative energy balance it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of your usual diet:
- You should eat low-calorie (negative) foods more often. The energy expended by the body in its absorption is not compensated by its energetic value. These foods include spinach, sweet red peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, seaweed, eggplant, carrots, oranges and grapefruits.
- There is no need to try to lose weight faster by drastically reducing calorie intake in old age. Lack of nutrients can negatively affect health and potency.
How to increase potency with medications.
To normalize sexual function, it is necessary to cure existing chronic diseases or stabilize indicators. A man's health after the age of 50 is negatively affected by the medications he is forced to take to treat various diseases.
Tranquilizers, bromides, antihistamines, sleeping pills and antihypertensives, as well as medications for the treatment of glaucoma, can weaken potency.
When the first signs of sexual dysfunction appear, you should consult a doctor to prescribe analogues that are safe for men's health.
Preparations containing vitamin complexes and extracts of medicinal plants will help to restore potency at 50 years of age. They are specifically designed to improve erectile function.
If the cause of the loss of sexual function is androgen deficiency, replacement therapy may be prescribed.
Your doctor will tell you how to increase potency after 50 years with the help of hormonal drugs. You cannot prescribe hormones yourself.
To obtain a short-term effect, drug potency regulators are used. For continuous use, it is better to choose drugs that cause fewer adverse reactions.