Every adult man can face such a problem as a decrease in potency. Constant "failures" make you look for ways to quickly restore your capabilities - men are so willing that they cannot consider their life complete if they have no power in bed.
Folk remedies for impotence sometimes give a very good effect and significantly improve the quality of sexual life, but it must be remembered that without eliminating the cause of erectile dysfunction, its effect will not last long. A competent and comprehensive approach is important here, including medication, physiotherapy or the help of a sexologist in case of psychological problems.
Reasons for the decrease in potency.
All factors that negatively affect potency can be divided into two groups: psychogenic and organic.
- Overwork and mental exhaustion due to high workloads (heavy responsibility at work, emotional experiences, mental stress associated with studying or processing large amounts of information);
- Depression or subdepressive state;
- Post-traumatic syndrome (a condition after difficult experiences in life, such as divorce, death of a loved one, etc. );
- Self-doubt and increased anxiety associated with failures in personal life, dissatisfaction with appearance, penis size, etc. ;
- Hypochondria - excessive concern for health, when a man looks for non-existent diseases in himself or greatly exaggerates the danger of existing ones and is afraid of losing his masculine power forever;
- Conflicts with a partner that led to the disappearance of sexual attraction to her.
- Endocrine disorders: hypogonadism, pituitary tumors, thyroid diseases, etc. , as well as the uncontrolled intake of anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass;
- Vascular Disorders: Decreased arterial blood flow to the penis. This is usually associated with atherosclerosis, heart and blood vessel disease (hypertension, coronary artery disease);
- Neurological disorders: problems with innervation due to diseases of the pathways (parasympathetic nerves, sacral spine, etc. );
- Toxicological factors: smoking, alcohol abuse, psychoactive substances;
- Pharmacological factors: sometimes decreased potency is a side effect of the action of drugs intended for long-term use;
- Inflammatory factors: acute and chronic prostatitis, sexually transmitted infections.
Of these reasons, in practice, impotence of a psychogenic nature (overwork, stress, low mood) and weakening of the erection due to vascular disorders, prostatitis are the most common.
It is with them that traditional medicine successfully helps to fight, because these reasons have always affected men, and in the treasury of folk wisdom there have been many effective recipes suitable for all ages and available for use at home.
herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction
With overwork, depression, loss of strength, natural stimulants and antidepressants help: ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea, lemongrass, Rhodiola rosea and oak bark, which normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Popular recipes based on them have the following effect:
- tonic;
- antitoxic;
- immunomodulator;
- anti-inflammatory;
- normalizing the work of the nervous system;
- adaptogenic.
How to take ginseng root
This traditional and well-known herbal product is indicated for men of any age. Helps restore male strength and improve stamina in bed. Increases blood flow to the genitals, stimulates testosterone production, increases attraction.
Contraindications to taking alcohol tincture:
- alcoholism;
- arterial hypertension;
- condition after acute myocardial infarction.
To prepare the tincture, you need to take 2 tbsp. crushed root (sold in pharmacies) and a glass of 70% alcohol. Keep 7 days in a dark place. The finished stain will turn brown. Reception course: 30 days, 30 drops 3 times a day with meals.
If alcohol is contraindicated for a man, you can make a composition with honey. The root (3 tablespoons) is ground into powder, mixed with 350 g of liquid honey, kept in a dark place for a week, stirring occasionally. Reception course: 30 days, 1 tsp. 3 times a day with meals.
Folk remedies to increase potency in men

Unfortunately, in our time, the topic of increasing potency is of interest not only to middle-aged and older men, today this problem is increasingly occurring among the younger generation.
The main reason for this is the modern lifestyle, which in no way contributes to maintaining potency, but, on the contrary, negatively affects sexual function. Many representatives of the stronger sex abuse smoking and alcohol, while neglecting sports.
Over time, such a life will certainly lead to erection problems, reduce attraction, and generally have a negative impact on sexual life.
Almost every second representative of the stronger sex is interested in the issue of increasing potency, although many prefer to hide their problems and categorically refuse to visit a specialist.
Of course, drug treatment will be more effective, but alternative medicine methods can also be used. The most useful folk remedies will be at the initial stage of weakening sexual function. Its use is also recommended for preventive purposes.
If the problem is running, then in this case it is desirable to combine the intake of folk remedies with medication.
Non-traditional approaches to improve erection

Not surprisingly, potency has a similar concept in meaning: virility, the strength of man. Even though she doesn't seem to play a vital role, her loss can completely change a man's life.
According to statistics, erectile dysfunction is diagnosed in men over 45 years of age, but in recent years cases have become more frequent when it is found in young people whose age has barely exceeded 30 years.
Erectile dysfunction can develop in almost all men, so it is important to know how to prevent it and, if necessary, treat it.
There can be many reasons for this state of affairs:
- unfavorable ecological situation;
- lack of vitamins and minerals;
- lack of physical activity;
- inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
- infectious diseases;
- psychological problems;
- injuries of the pelvis and genital organs;
- endocrine diseases;
- hormonal disorders.
It can be quite difficult to avoid even one of the listed phenomena, and therefore almost all cases of impotence are caused by various negative influences.
For the treatment of erection problems, both medications and home remedies can be used.
It is possible to eliminate the problem of erectile function, but this requires enormous effort on the part of men. The first thing that official medicine advises a patient is to undergo a course of drug treatment.
In some cases, surgery may be required. However, such measures are often only temporary.
In this case, to increase potency, men are recommended to use folk remedies to increase potency.
Nutrition that cures sexual dysfunction
To quickly increase potency, especially if a man is in old age, this method will not help, but will minimize the progression of pathologies that lead to a complete loss of erection.
The dogmas of proper nutrition are the basis of a diet for impotence. However, this method of eliminating dysfunction has its own characteristics.
Therefore, doctors recommend contacting specialists before changing the diet in order to identify hidden pathologies in which a standard diet can harm already weakened health.
To achieve the best result, you must follow a proper diet.
Especially useful for men with erectile dysfunction are protein foods that contain a small amount of fat. These include:
- lean meat - rabbit, chicken, turkey, beef, lean lamb;
- fish caviar;
- legumes and grasses (green) belonging to this family;
- Nuts and seeds;
- eggs, preferably quail;
- low-fat and salt-free cheeses;
- fish (mainly marine).
In addition to protein foods, it is recommended to consume herbs, vegetables (pumpkin, including zucchini, cucumbers, and, in fact, pumpkin with seeds), rice, cereals and cereals.
Home remedy recipes.
The most popular recipes to restore all the functions of the reproductive system in men contain herbs such as ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, rhizome calamus and aralia.
For the preparation of decoctions and infusions, both the plants themselves and their roots can be used.
Its preparation methods are as follows:
- Broth - a tablespoon of the mixture is boiled in a glass of water for no more than 5 minutes, after which it is filtered. It is not recommended to drink such drugs immediately. It is better to let them sit for a couple of hours until they cool down. You need to drink decoctions during the day in equal portions before meals or immediately after, drinking the entire prepared volume per day.
- Infusions: a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water in a thermos and left for 8-12 hours. After that, the agent leaks. Drink infusions before meals or at the end of the meal during the day in small portions.
- Tinctures - 100-200 grams of raw materials are crushed and poured with 0. 5 liters of alcohol or vodka, after which the mixture is corked and placed in a dark place. This method of preparing a healing drink is the longest, since the medicine is not prepared during the day, but up to 2-3 weeks. Before use, the tincture does not need to be filtered, but it is taken in 10-15 drops (sometimes it is recommended to increase the dose to 25 ml during the day). It is better to drink such a composition before meals, however, there are recipes that provide for drinking after a meal.
The effectiveness of tinctures depends on the correct choice of herbs and their preparation.
The preparation methods listed are suitable for all plants and collections of them. Next, we will consider what fees can be taken by men who are faced with erectile dysfunction.
How to quickly increase potency at home quickly and with folk remedies?

Often men suffering from sexual impotence, the question arises, how to quickly increase potency at home with folk remedies? Is it possible in principle?
Of course, you can cure erectile dysfunction at home. But the therapy is not limited to traditional medicine. The use of various herbs is recommended after consulting a doctor.
Does not interfere with exercise and a balanced diet. Even urologists and andrologists advise giving up bad habits, since alcohol, drugs and cigarettes significantly reduce male power.
Tinctures and decoctions to increase potency.
Certain herbal tinctures and decoctions will quickly help to strengthen potency at home. Of course, you should not rely solely on popular recipes. Impotence is a disease that must be treated comprehensively.
Before using decoctions and tinctures to increase potency and libido, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. All herbal medicines have contraindications and side effects; this fact should also be taken into account.
These are the most effective tools:
- Fuck the tincture. Helps restore a powerful lift, increase libido and eliminate fatigue. To prepare the drug, you need to mix 50 grams of horseradish and 50 grams of sugar. Put the composition in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, then filter. Take 10-15 drops 2 times a day.
- Alcohol tincture of Eleutherococcus. Helps restore natural erection, increases libido and testosterone levels in the blood. Eleutherococcus also helps prolong sexual intercourse. To prepare, mix the root of Eleutherococcus with vodka in a ratio of 1: 15, after which the composition is placed in a glass container and sent to the refrigerator for a month. Then strain through cheesecloth. Drink 20 drops 2-3 times a day.
- Hypericum decoction. Helps to strengthen erection and normalize metabolic processes in the body. To prepare, pour 50 grams of dried and chopped St. John's wort with 300 ml of water, simmer for 20 minutes, then cool and strain. Drink 100 ml 2 times a day.
- A decoction of mint and thyme. Take the components of the plant in the same proportion, pour a liter of boiling water, boil for 20-25 minutes. Filter. Drink 100-200 ml per day.
- Alcohol tincture of ginseng. It has a strong stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Tincture helps improve erectile function, increases libido, eliminates asthenic syndrome, restores good performance. It is very easy to prepare the tincture step by step. It is necessary to mix the ginseng root (dried) with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 15. Put the composition in a glass container, then send it to a dark cool place for a month. After 30 days, strain through cheesecloth. Take 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day.
Folk remedies can be used no more than 1-2 months.
Rejection of bad habits.
Of course, it is impossible to increase potency at home in 1 day. Restoration of erectile function is a rather long process that requires strict adherence to certain rules.
It is important to give up bad habits. Men who lead a healthy lifestyle restore sexual function much faster, suffer less from diseases of the cardiovascular system, and are less prone to prostatitis and prostate adenoma.
It is mandatory to refrain from:
- Narcotic substances. Any drug has a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, genitourinary, reproductive, and hepatobiliary systems. Furthermore, addiction destroys the human psyche. Taking drugs often leads to strokes, overdose death and other consequences. Even seemingly harmless marijuana negatively affects potency.
- of smoking. The tar and nicotine content in cigarettes stops few people, but to no avail. These substances have a detrimental effect on the blood vessels and the endocrine system. No medicine and folk remedies will help when the patient continues to smoke. If there is not enough willpower to give up regular cigarettes, urologists recommend using electronic ones. Electronic cigarettes are not completely safe, but they cause much less harm to health.
- alcohol. Drugs and folk remedies to restore potency are incompatible with alcohol. Any alcoholic beverage is harmful to health. The only thing you can afford is to drink 1 glass of dry red wine once a week.
Psychoanalyst, hypnotherapist and narcologist will help to get rid of bad habits.
The role of exercise and nutrition.
If a person regularly performs exercises for erectile dysfunction and moves more, he will be able to get rid of a bad erection without any problem. Physical activity is beneficial for both adults and young men.
Update: Can male impotence be cured?
When playing sports, testosterone synthesis increases, the work of the cardiovascular system is normalized, blood flow in the pelvis improves, and the pelvic floor muscles are strengthened.
It is useful for swimming, athletics or weightlifting, playing sports, Nordic walking. At home, you can perform squats, exercise "bike", lunges. It is also helpful to practice qigong or yoga at home.
Folk remedies for potency

How to restore potency with folk remedies and not get confused with all the variety of means and methods? We will try to systematize folk remedies for potency in men in such a way that it is clear which traditional remedy for increasing potency is "responsible" for what, and we will also choose the best folk remedy in each category.
There are funds that are accepted for courses, but there are also those that can be used in an emergency. Having carefully studied the properties of those and others, you can determine the most acceptable for yourself.
How to apply home remedies for potency in time and place.
What home remedies increase potency? The answer depends on what, in this case, is considered power. Potency is the ability of a man to have a complete sexual relationship. That is, a man in this interpretation goes through several stages of the process of realizing his sexual potential:
- attraction (libido);
- erection (with release from 5 to 8 phases);
- ejaculation (ejaculate).
In a broad sense, people sometimes include in the concept of "potency" the ability of a man to become a father. That is, to provide such a quantity and quality of sperm that guarantees the continuity of the family.
But even if we exclude this factor, it is still clear that the three listed stages differ in essence and physiological mechanisms. In other words, for the issue of impotence to arise, it is enough to have a rape at any stage.
Since such disorders can be caused by various reasons, the therapeutic approach and the treatment of potency with folk remedies will depend on the stage at which the man has problems.
attraction (libido)
First, a man must feel desire, which in a professional environment is called libido, and in ordinary people it is often called attraction, passion, desire.
The energy of sexual desire may not be accompanied by a subsequent erection, but without the initial sexual drive (even if it is technically possible to secure an erection), sexual intercourse becomes a mechanical and lifeless process.
Furthermore, libido is directly dependent on the state of the endocrine system in general and the serum testosterone level in particular.
Problems of increasing potency with the subject of ejaculation are associated, as a rule, in cases of premature ejaculation and, less frequently, in cases of uncontrolled delay in ejaculation.
As in the previous stages, the mental state of a man and the state of his central and peripheral nervous systems affect the characteristics of the process.
At home, with folk remedies, these psychogenic disorders are also tried to be treated with calming drugs of their own production, often teas and decoctions based on mint and lemon balm.
However, to restore potency in men with folk remedies in such cases, most likely, there is not enough therapeutic variability in the formation of an individual approach.
Andrologists mostly attribute premature ejaculation not to organic psychological problems, but to cyclical ones, which must be eliminated in an appointment with a sexologist or psychologist.
There the question of the individual normative period before the onset of ejaculation will be corrected, the question of false premature ejaculation will be raised, etc.
Among the psychophysical factors involved in ejaculation disorders, inflammatory processes in the appendages of the genital glands can be named, but they are also combined with psychogenic factors, forming the general picture. In general, the popular tradition practices indirect psychological influence with a direct decrease in the sensitivity of the glans:
- The psychological influence is due to the adaptation of a man who received a miracle remedy from an authorized healer.
- Sensitivity is reduced by using an anesthetic or lidocaine-based ointment, as well as by using condoms with a "cooling" lubricant.
Therefore, using the above criteria, we have compiled the most effective ways to increase potency, of which we can now make our own top of the best. Includes the following popular methods and products:
- the nutritional part of the top in the nomination "How to increase potency at home" is represented by pumpkin seeds, garlic, thyme and celery (they act in different systems and do not compensate each other);
- the procedural part is represented by systematic physical activity and massage of the genitals, prostate and the body as a whole.
To the listed products and methods, you can add a number of common recipes, which, according to folk traditions, answer both the question of how to increase male potency in the absence of serious organic disorders, and the question of how to treat impotence if the disorder it is already manifested.
Recipes for tinctures, decoctions, extracts.
Restoring potency with folk remedies includes the preparation of alcohol-based tinctures and extracts, decoctions of various herbs. But the tincture on alcohol will have a healing effect for potency only if it is used in 1-2 tablespoons (depending on the recipe), and not in glasses.
The potency boosting tincture is made from the roots of Rhodiola rosea, ginseng, calamus and aralia. To do this, 200 grams of mixed raw materials are crushed in equal proportions and poured with 0. 5 liters of vodka. The mixture must be infused for 15-20 days. The recommended dose of extract (extract) is 15 drops before meals with a maximum increase of up to 25 drops.
You can improve potency with folk remedies using a decoction of the same plants. Such a remedy for potency is prepared on the basis of one tablespoon of the mixture, which is poured into 200 ml of water and boiled for three to five minutes. After boiling, the broth is filtered and drunk in a day in equal portions before each meal.
For men's potency, an infusion of these same plants can also be prepared in 10-12 hours. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with boiling water in a thermos and filtered after half a day. Such an infusion is drunk to increase potency in small portions during the day, so it is convenient to prepare it from night to morning.
Even with such powerful herbal mixtures, one should not expect that there will be a sharp increase in potency with folk remedies in 3 days or faster, because this is possible only if the cause of the disorder was psychogenic in nature and naturally excluded.
Official medicine, even the best folk recipes, which gradually increase attraction and erection, are most often considered not as a therapeutic measure, but as a preventive one - the opportunity to eat well and thereby increase male strength.
Herbs that increase potency in home remedies for men.

Are herbs effective for potency? Yes, and centuries-old traditional medicine has proven it. Recipes for various infusions and decoctions are known in many countries.
Are there plants that act instantly? No, this is a gradual process that requires strict adherence to recommendations and recipes.
Do herbs always help? Not always. Erectile dysfunction (a term used in the absence of potency) occurs for various reasons. This pathology can be affected by infectious diseases in the genitourinary system, mental disorders, various tumors and injuries. Before treatment with folk methods, visit a doctor, establish the causes of the problem and take care of its elimination.
If there are no visible reasons and you want to increase potency with herbs, we have collected the most relevant recipes of alternative medicine from different peoples of the world. Read, prepare, apply.